I have witnessed firsthand someone have a tremendous encounter with the Lord and consciously choose to continue to sin against Him.
Following the Lord cannot be merely emotional.
I have watched with my own eyes people proclaim Christ while willfully doing the devil's bidding.
Following the Lord will look a kinda way.
I have seen those with knowledge about scripture and Biblical commands destroy their spouse, love self over others, live terrified, function in isolation, cling to pain, abuse their children, and live hateful.
Following the Lord impacts everything and affects everyone.
I have counseled hearts that know the Lord but don't believe Him, be forgiven while harboring unforgiveness, call Jesus Lord while rejecting His Word, quote scripture while denying it's power.
Following the Lord goes well beyond knowing, reading, claiming, and decreeing.
If we truly believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (Jn 14:16), that He came for freedom (Jn 8:32), salvation (Acts 4:12), deliverance (Romans 11:26), and is our ever present help in our time of need (Ps 46:1), then our life will reek of submission, surrender, yielding, and trust that doesn't make earthly sense.
There will be a consistent choosing His way over our own way, even when - and especially when - our way feels easier, justified, and right.
Matthew 7:20 reminds us, "You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?" What do people see when they witness your life?
Does keeping company with you give life by its fruitfulness or does being close to you leave a wound by its hurtfulness?
If you're unsure, ask with encouraged honesty and be willing to listen. Pray and ask the Lord for help where you struggle.